1st |
Wednesday |
Green Waste Collection- Your House- Early!! |
Community Shop ‘Winter Hours’ begin- Community Shop |
Haverslice Pizza [Wednesdays]- Parish Hall Car Park- 5.00-7.30pm |
Parish Council – Public Session- Jubilee Room- 7.00pm |
Parish Council Meeting- Jubilee Room- to follow immediately |
2nd |
Thursday |
All-Sorts Choir [Thursdays]- East Brent Village Hall- 7.30-9.15pm |
B&H Choral Society [Thursdays]- Methodist Hall, BoS- 7.30pm |
3rd |
Friday |
Burnham/Cheddar Bus [Fridays]- Brent Street/Burton Row- 9.30-2.30pm |
Short Mat Bowls Club [Fridays]- Harris Room- 2.00-4.00pm |
4th |
Saturday |
Hand Bell Ringing Group [Saturdays]- Methodist Church- 10.00am |
5th |
Sunday |
Guy Fawkes Night- If you’re having Fireworks, please let your neighbours know in advance, so they can take care of their animals! |
6th |
Monday |
Meet and Eat- Nuttall Room- 12.30pm |
Recycling & Rubbish- Your House- Early!! |
Short Mat Bowls Club [Mondays]- Harris Room- 2.00-4.00pm |
7th |
Tuesday |
Burnham/Cheddar Bus [Tuesdays]- Brent Street/Burton Row- 9.30-2.30pm |
St Michael’s Open Morning- St Michael’s Church- 10.00-12 noon |
“Chatty Hour” [Tuesdays]- Lympsham Pavilion- 10.00-1pm’ish |
Friends of St Michael’s Annual meeting- St Michael’s Church- 12 noon |
Brent Knoll Royal British Legion meeting- Red Cow- 7.30pm |
8th |
Wednesday |
Tea & Chat- Methodist Schoolroom- 2.30pm |
9th |
Thursday |
10th |
Friday |
11th |
Saturday |
Armistice Day |
RSPCA Christmas Fayre- Berrow Village Hall- 10.30-3.00pm |
Bazaar & Farmers’ Market & Parish Café- Parish Hall- 10.00-12noon |
12th |
Sunday |
Remembrance Sunday- War Memorial, St Michael’s- 10.45am |
13th |
Monday |
SORT IT+ Recycling- Your House- Early!! |
Parish Hall Committee meeting- Jubilee Room- 8.00pm |
14th |
Tuesday |
15th |
Wednesday |
Green Waste Collection- Your House- Early!! |
Deadline for December Brent Knoll News-12.00 noon |
Good Companions - ‘Christmas Fayre’- Parish Hall- 2.30pm |
16th |
Thursday |
17th |
Friday |
Mobile Library [Friday]- Old Post Office- 9.30-10.00am |
18th |
Saturday |
Autumn Churchyard clean-up- St Michael’s Church- 9.00am |
Quiz Night and Supper- Red Cow- 7.30pm |
19th |
Sunday |
20th |
Monday |
SORT IT+ Recycling- Your House- Early!! |
21st |
Tuesday |
22nd |
Wednesday |
23rd |
Thursday |
Women’s Society- 1, Brent Street- 12.30pm |
24th |
Friday |
25th |
Saturday |
Sausage Sizzler- Nuttall Room- 10.00-12 noon |
Christmas Fayre- Methodist Schoolroom- 10.30am |
26th |
Sunday |
27th |
Monday |
Recycling & Rubbish- Your House- Early!! |
28th |
Tuesday |
29th |
Wednesday |
Green Waste Collection- Your House- Early!! |
30th |
Thursday |